The story of Yadana Labamuni Hsu-Taungpye Paya or known as snake pagoda went back to 1974 when a monk who was tending this old pagoda found 2 pythons wrapped around the Buddha statue interior.As the monk carried them from pagoda to jungle, he found them back to the pagoda with a third one. Strangely, each time he took them out to the forest, they would return. This action was signalized as the reincarnation of monks who used to tend to the pagoda. Therefore, he started to take care of them instead of trying to push them back to the forest.
These days, the pythons are well-fed with meat, eggs and the monks also keep them a place to bath, filled with rose pastels.
The pythons are known to be friendly, children can bath and play with them and there is no attack recorded in the pagoda so far. The original pythons had died but the followers had donated the new ones and keep the pagoda as thrilling as it was.